Kanye: The Solider of Culture

Have we ever figured out whether the chicken or the egg came first? Between shutter shades and the evolution of homeless chic, I'm not sure if Kanye shaped us or if we shaped him. Usually, I would assume that we as a culture and society shape artists because they are a product of our society. You put out what you put in, right?? Maybe not for Mr. West.

He is undeniably a rare breed that does whatever the hell he wants. Have you even seen his twitter? I'm super into psychoanalyzing people and I just think that there is absolutely no explanation for him other than maybe he's just an alien. He says stuff that just doesn't fit into American culture whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, we're all a little egotistical and self centered, but those who do it best don't let people know that they think they're the best. No idea if anyone is actually catching what I'm throwing right now but I'll continue nonetheless. Here's some reference: "I am God's vessel. My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live." Kanye totally acknowledges that he isn't a part of American culture. I mean, he isn't even a human. Somedays Kanye says he's a god, somedays he's God's vessel. Either way, he's made it abundantly clear that he's above us and for some odd reason I am one hundred percent okay with this. 

I am really excited to talk about Kanye and culture. They just go hand in hand. A while back when Kanye was on the Ellen Show (what a dynamic duo), he pledged allegiance to the culture army (what does that even mean @kanyewest ???). He goes on to explain that, " I feel like in some ways I am a soldier of culture and I realize that no one wants that to be my job. Will I feel convicted about things that really meant stuff to culture that constantly get denied for years and years and years and years? I'm sorry. I will. I cannot lie about it in order to sell records." Still not entirely sure what he means half of the time he speaks, but we all roll with it. Basically, what I got out of all of this is that it is Kanye's intent to shape culture. Create create create. Create might be Kanye's favorite word. 
He is just here to show us what's good.

There is even a book about the cultural impact of Kanye. Spoiler alert, the title is The Cultural Impact of Kanye. The book is seriously 300 pages of academic analysis on how Kanye has changed American culture. That is so crazy how one guy can have that big of an impact on all of us (without you even knowing it). We're still not sure how tall he is (no bigger than 5'8"). Alright, my bad a little off track but you get it. Little dude huge impact on society. You can even check it out of your favorite place to hang out (or rage after making it into the sweet sixteen), the T-Coop library. Since you're probably thinking you're too cool to read anything that isn't mandatory for a class, I'll just dumb it down for you. "Through rap and hip hop, entertainers have provided a voice questioning and challenging and a voice questioning and challenging the sanctioned view of society. Examining the moral and social implications of Kanye West's art in the context of Western civilization's preconceived ideas, the contributors consider how West both challenges religious and moral norms and propagates them." Basically, Kanye doesn't back movements like other artists do. He doesn't ride waves; he makes waves. Throwback to the election right? Most artists were either team Hillary or backing Trump... but Kanye? Kanye 2020. Yeah, I know he eventually came out and said he didn't vote but if he had he would've been on the Trump Train but still. How many artists do you know just come out and decide to run for president? Wild. Kanye doesn't even pick stances on issues, he creates issues and then tells people how to feel about them. 

Alright, enough about how Kanye shaped us. How did we shape him? He's a really fucking cool kid. He's just like the best of both worlds. Not entirely sure how but Kanye has managed to be both the sheep and the shepherd at the same goddamn time.

Pablo social impact quote instagram comments crop source yeezus was the product of you not me

Talk about how he talks about how culture shaped him; Fashion curated by rappers; pink polo; 


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